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Katia Guerreiro
Canto Teu Nome, Liberdade
Os Quatro e Meia | Dia 2
Os Quatro e Meia | Dia 1
Concerto de Primavera - Orquestra de Sopros
II Edição "Entre a Lava e o Mar" - José Cid
Rui Massena - ENSEMBLE TOUR'24
"Não Prometemos Para Mais Ninguém" - António e Catarina Raminhos
Grande Baile de Carnaval | Segunda-Feira
Grande Baile de Carnaval 2024 | Sexta-Feira
Ruy de Carvalho "A História Devida"
Uma viagem pelo mundo da Disney - Filarmónica Aliança dos Prazeres
Concerto de Ano Novo
Espetáculo Ilhas - Festival Mala
Concerto de Natal
Circo Mágico de Natal
New Year's Eve Ball 2024
XVII Ínsula | Dia 2
XVII Ínsula | Dia 1
Festival POP "Ouço-te na sombra da praça vazia mas não sei de ti"
Homenagem a José Pracana
Carolina Deslandes
Pedro Abrunhosa
Filme "Frankenstein" - Filarmónica Nossa Senhora das Neves
"Coral" - The Gift e Coral de São José
Eduardo Madeira
Summer Off, Radio On - 2023
António Zambujo e Miguel Araújo #UJOS
"160 Voltas ao Sol" - Banda Fundação Brasileira e Martinho da Vila
European Medical Students Orchestra and Choir
The Portuguese Kids & Mike Rita - Summer Vacation Tour
I am Humor with Quim Roscas & Zeca Estacionâncio
Estúdio 13 - "TREZE"
Gilmário Vemba - Temas
Festa do Emigrante - Ágata, Toy e Fernando Correia Marques com Coliseum Orchestra
Mariza - "Mariza canta Amália"
"Vida e Vozes de Natália Silva" - Mostra de Coros Conservatório Regional de Ponta Delgada
Movie "Irregular" | Directed by Diogo Morgado
An Andrew Lloyd Webber Tribute - The Phantom of the Opera
9º Sinfonia de Beethoven | Jovem Orquestra Portuguesa
XXII El Açor - Dia 2
XXII El Açor - Dia 1
Between the Lava and the Ocean
Grande Baile de Carnaval 2023 | Segunda-feira
Grande Baile de Carnaval 2023 | Sexta-feira
Fernando Pereira - "Lord of the Voices"
Bumba na Fofinha - Sweating from the Mustache (Suar do Bigode)
Eu, Natália Correia
New Year's Concert
New Year's Eve Ball 2023
OLPD - Swinging Christmas with Rui Drumond
Paul Young
Voca People
Wabba Azores 2022
The Portuguese Kids
The Girl From The Azorean Water
Let's Play? | Estúdio 13 & Mª João Gouveia
Cuca Roseta - Azores in the Heart Tour
Nobody | António Capelo
Grandparents Carmélia and Tonim
António Zambujo | Voice and Guittar
Gavin James
The Mousetrap | by Agatha Christie
Life and Voices of Natália Silva
Three is too much - Second dose
The Dire Straits Experience
Jesus Christ Superstar - In Concert
Banda Harmonia Mosteirense & Trio Origens
XXI El Açor - Day 2
XXI El Açor - Day 1
João Moniz and Sara Cruz João Moniz Acoustic Trio
Christmas Classics
The Cotton Christmas
Bárbara Tinoco
The Party of the Bugs
Manel, The Island Man
2nd Atlantic Circus Convention
Luis Barbosa Band
Vagina Monologues
Zeca Medeiros & friends | Bairro da Música Festival
Amor Electro - TOGETHER Tour
Pedro Abrunhosa
The Code | House 2020
Ponta Delgada Sinfonietta
Celebratory Concert | Comando Operacional dos Açores
III Inventio | Internacional Academic Tunas Festival
Grand Carnival Ball 2020 | Monday
Grand Carnival Ball 2020 | Friday
Gisela João | VIII Ponta Delgada Municipality Benefit Gala
António Raminhos | The Meaning of Things ... and Such
Roots ... Fado and Africa
Grand New Year's Eve Ball 2020
Sara's World
183 years of the Militar Zone of the Azores
Fernando Daniel
Sons da Relva - Filarmónica N. Sra. das Neves
Diogo Piçarra
Epifany - Harmonia Mosteirense Band
Opera Cavalleria Rusticana
Raquel Tavares & the Sinfonietta of PDL
Comedy Festival
Só | Jorge Palma
Madagascar | A Musical Adventure
"A Extra Ordinária História dos Açores" by TUNALHOS | Emigrant Fest
"Dona Conceição" by AJURPE | Emigrant Fest
Aurea e The Code | 102º Aniversário do Coliseu Micaelense
The Dire Straits Experience
Tremor Festival
European Blues Challenge
20th Internacional Tunas Singing Group Festival - El Açor
"Consciente" | Luís Franco-Bastos
Grand Carnival Ball 2019 | Monday
Grand Carnival Ball 2019 | Friday
Amor Electro | Montepio Às Vezes o Amor Festival
Comedy "Rabo de Saia"
Carlos do Carmo | Ponta Delgada Municipality Benefit Gala
International School of Dance and Ballet Annarella Sanchez
New Year's Eve Ball 2019
Sinfonietta of Ponta Delgada
Marco Paulo
Fundação Brasileira Band - Bastien Baumet
Radio Atlântida's 30th Anniversary
Tremor Festival
19th El Açor - Internacional Tunas Festival
Azores Operational Command's 25th Anniversary
Grande Baile de Carnaval (2ª feira)
Grande Baile de Carnaval (6ª feira)
New Year's Concert - Opera Gala
Beneficience Gala with Cuca Roseta
New Year's Eve Ball 2018
Christmas Classics
Ínsula - Women's Tuna Festival
Sharing The Music
Summer Off, Radio On - Rádio Atlântida
Lies that Man tell
Olívia & Eugénio - Filipe Lá Féria
Immigrant Party - I love the 9 islands of the Azores
Carminho and Tiago Bettencourt
A Fúria de Shakespeare
Filho da Treta
BeAtitude Music Sessions
Tremor Festival
Serralves Exhibition
Three Neighborhoods - Opening Concert of the 471st Anniversary of the City
As Iludências Aparudem - World Theater Day
Sara's World
Launch of Madrugada book and Drawing Exhibition
XVIII International Tunas Festival
XXV Azores Operational Command Anniversary
International Women's Day with Walter De Sousa
Great Carnival Ball (Monday)
Great Carnival Ball (Friday)
12 Years of the Coliseum reopening with Vânia Dilac & The Soulmates
Joaquim Monchique GOD
Beneficience Gala with Dulce Pontes
New Year's Eve Ball 2017
New Year's Eve Ball 2024
Great Carnival Ball 2023
New Year's Eve Ball 2023
Great Carnival Ball 2020
New Year's Eve Ball 2020
Great Carnival Ball 2019
New Year's Eve 2019
New Year's Eve Ball 2018
Great Carnival Ball 2018
Great Carnival Ball 2017
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